College Admissions Counseling

Admissions officers are searching for future students who will make positive impacts on their campus and in their communities. They are building a class of well-rounded students who will contribute to their university in many ways — not just academic performance.

Discover How College Counseling Can Improve Your Acceptance Odds.

Our experienced team of college counselors assist students throughout the ENTIRE college admissions process.

College Admissions and COVID-19

COVID-19 has impacted the college admissions process in many ways. Over the last year, many colleges and universities have chosen to adopt a temporary test-optional policy. This means some schools have permanently eliminated the need for applying and incoming students to take the ACT/SAT due to the lack of safe testing environments. 

Eliminating SAT/ACT scores from college applications means students have one less opportunity to wow college admissions officers, putting more pressure on the rest of their application. Now, more than ever, seeking college planning assistance can help ensure students’ admission to their top university.

Many Parents and Students Approach Us with One Question:
“What is the most important part of college admissions?”

While no single factor alone can guarantee admission to the student’s college or university of choice, College Assurity can help categorize and prioritize each element to achieve the best results. We have identified two important categories of college admissions that can help students throughout the process:

Hard Factors

Soft Factors

Each of these factors have a significant impact on college admissions and acceptance. Understanding what role each one plays gives parents and students the power to make the best decisions about their college planning journey.

College Assurity helps students prepare, not only for college, but for their future.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about how college counseling can fuel your student’s success.